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Posts for: neomeena
Sep 29, 2017 11:35:00   #
Well, we had already separate topic about steroids use, so I will just add here, that not everything is so black and white as some think.

It's just a tool and cherryjuice more than once already gave a good advice on this matter.

If I had enough motivation to pursue goals like "dream body", then I would get on juice right away!

Life is too short to worry about that kind of stuff
Sep 29, 2017 07:36:19   #
Great advice Strawberry! I can vouch for deficit deadlifts being a great idea in this case

Pull-up is a solid exercise as well. I actually think, it had the biggest impact on improving my back's strength.

Except for deadlift - but when deadlift doesn't want to go forward, then you have to strengthen your back with different methods
Sep 24, 2017 13:27:48   #

Well, I'm sad to be the first to tell you this, but you don't reveal your ABS by doing many different exercises, no matter how intense.

It all depends on your body fat percentage. So, you should continue to work your ABS just like you used to, but cut down the calories and lose some more weight.

If you keep training and losing weight, sooner or later your ABS will reveal. You should also remember that it depends on your genetics as well.

Some people will have it easier to reveal 6-pack, some harder. Some people will accumulate more fat in their legs, while some won't and you don't have any impact on this, no matter how hard you train your abdominal muscles.
Sep 23, 2017 21:49:08   #
Please, don't do implants. Have you even seen a girl with implants in real life? It looks hilarious. I would never agree to do it. It's like the scar, that you forced upon yourself and on top of that you had to pay for it. I'm rather a tolerant person, but whenever I see a woman with fake tits I laugh inside and I can't really help it.

Sure, if you are amateur movies star, they may suit you, but for an average girl - I don't really see it.
Sep 23, 2017 21:11:43   #
I have quite a big breast and I would like to make them smaller. I can't really either, except for cutting down to a very low body fat, but I don't want to be skinny, so

I prefer having bigger tits and the rest of my body exactly like I want it to be. So, unfortunately you don't have any impact on this. Anyhow breast size is just the matter of preference, so what are you so worried about?
Sep 21, 2017 09:46:59   #
As we are talking about low carb diet, I could also add that it usually leads to immediate effects, because it basically empties your glycogen stores - which are getting filled again once you starting eating carbs and being on low amount of carbs also cause water retention, so most of the weight that you are losing at the beginning is due to water loss and emptying glycogen stores.

Low carb diet is a wiser choice if you intend to stay on it for quite some time though.
Sep 20, 2017 13:15:17   #
Hey, no worries! That's what we are here for, we are here to help each other. Every single one of us has started somewhere and we were all confused, the important thing is the route you will take later on. I hope you will stay here with us just as you said and you will stick to the fitness lifestyle as this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm sure you will understand what I'm talking about after a few months once you start seeing some real progress :)
Sep 20, 2017 12:12:04   #
You have already taken the most important step forward and in my opinion also the one which is the hardest - you have desire to change your life and your body. Not many people have a courage to do it, so you should already feel proud about yourself! I know that you are confused, but really it's not that complicated, especially as you have everything laid out basically step by step on how to proceed with your first diet. Try to forget everything you read about on any other website and read our guides once more - I'm sure it will all become much clearer for you and it's very important that you do so, because unless you are willing to pay somebody for leading you, this knowledge will be important if you want to move forward, make changes or adapt to certain situations. As for your mistakes so far, there is plenty of them...

a) You shouldn't do cardio at all as an beginner when you want to gain weight - it's great for losing weight and is of use for more advanced people to gain weight, but in your state it will just do more bad than good, because as you are an beginner you can easily overtrain yourself - doing workout at the gym and cardio both for somebody who was never active physically out of the bat is not the best idea.

b) Just like sharon123 has said, you don't need to pay attention what time of the day you are consuming your meal or if you had 5 or 6 meals today - it's totally irrelevant. In your state just focus on basics - eating more than you need and eating products that are fairly healthy.

c) SPLIT training - that's the very common mistake among beginners. You should never start your gym journey with training 1 or 2 parts of your body on single workout session. It will lead to overtraining very fast, your progress will be lesser than it would be on for example light fbw training - which is the one I would recommend for any beginners. Split is like a killer work out, it's something like putting 150 pounds on your barbell, when you are only able to lift 75 pounds. This is how your body feels when you are forcing it with a split method.

So, just read everything we have here again and ask us some questions again.
Sep 19, 2017 20:21:45   #
Hey, welcome to our community! I still remember my first days when I started to work out - I was so lost and confused, but also much more motivated that I am now :P. Those were really good times, although compared
to you I didn't have anyone to work out with me or anybody who could give me some advice, so I kept learning from forums and articles I found online or on other websites. I'm getting closer and closer to achieving the body I have always dreamed of, so I wish you the same :)
Disclaimer: Everyone's body is different. So individual results might vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort. We can't and don't want to make any guarantees or claims about the actual amount of fat you'll lose or the amount of time it takes for you to lose it. Or about the permanent nature of weight loss. All content on our website is for information purposes only, not a guarantee, claim or promise of any kind. Statements posted by our users have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We are a social website for people who want to discuss healthy weight loss.
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