Hello. I just wanted to ask, what do you think about tattoos? Do you have any?
I recently made one on my wrist - it's very small, but I love it. I'm planning to make a bigger one on my back, what do you think?
I'm asking here as I really acknowledge this community and I wanted to especially hear opinion of women, that are all about improving their bodies.
Do you consider tattoos as ugly or disfigurement?
I want to hear some honest opinions.
I don't have any tattoos and I don't intend to have any, although I don't consider them ugly or anything of this sort.
I just simply don't think they would fit me. I have many friends that have tattoos - most of them is working out also.
One has participated in Bikini Fitness last year and she placed pretty good.
So, I have nothing against them, if you feel like you want to have a bigger one on your back, then go for it.
I personally love tattoos. I think they are a great addition to your body.
I'm working out as well and I have two tattoos. Two small ones, not worth mentioning, but just like you I'm thinking of doing a bigger project.
I can't seem to think of any good idea though...
Well, I have nothing against tattoos as well even though I don't have any.
I know a few girls, that have them and they love working out as well. I think a lot depends on a person and on your project.
Some I consider ugly and some I really like a lot. Doesn't change the fact, that I'm definitely not going for it anytime soon

It's just a matter of preference and to be honest, it doesn't suit everyone.
I don't imagine my good friend from gym to have any tattoos for example - it just wouldn't fit.
As for me, I think I could find some interesting projects that would look good on me, but I don't see a reason to do so.
I rather beautify my body by lifting iron than by doing tattoos.
I don't really like women with tattoos - I think that it just doesn't suit us, but I love dark-skinned men with a nice tattoo on an arm or neck...
Just like MomLovesIron said, just a matter of preference and as I don't really think they are a good way of adorning women's body, I'm not getting any.. ever.
I have nothing against tattoos. I was once thinking of doing one as well, but I have changed my mind. I don't see a reason to do so, but I understand people that have them.
In my opinion it depends on a person - for some tattoos are a great fit and for some they aren't.
For example I generally consider tattoos to look much better on people with dark complexion, but even though I'm a little bit dark skinned I could never imagine myself with a tattoo

Hello, I love tattoos. I have like 5 tattoos. One on the right leg, one on left shoulder, two at both my wrists and one on my butt.
They are all pretty small projects, except for the one on my shoulder - it's a bit bigger.
I was thinking of doing some new one, maybe on my thigh, but I can't find any good project.
Love Tats got wolf prints on side my leg. Wolf howling at moon on my arm, smiling cheers on other arm and thick n thin symbol on my wrist (me and 2 of my high school frinds got this for 35 year school reunion) Im female and there is nothing wrong with women or men having tats