Hi! So obviously, healthy food is superior to junk food, right? Basically every bodybuilding forum, that I'm reading is stating clearly, that we should stick to healthy food and that junk food is "evil". They say that there will be no progress if you are eating junk food, that you will become overweight etc.
Really, it's hard to find an objective opinion. Even here I have noticed this negativity towards dirty eating.
I understand that, although I was recently experimenting a little bit and I started to consume fair amount of junk food, but I didn't resign from clean food entirely. I guess, it's worth mentioning that I'm already working out for a while, so I'm not an beginner.
I'm also neither overweight nor skinny. I believe, that I'm relatively fit. So, basically I didn't notice any negative changes to my body since I've changed my approach.
I'm ordering pizza, food from McDonald and Starbucks on daily basis. I'm doing so for 3 months already - nothing has really changed.
I have actually progressed just like I usually do. Of course I kept my scheduled calories distribution, so it's not that I only eat unhealthy carbs all the time.
I just use dirty food to diversify my meals

That's why I tend to agree with the minority saying, that calories are pretty much equal to each other - it all depends on how you distribute them to your body
One of the arguments for not eating junk food, that I agree with is that they are much more processed than food we call clean, although products that are widely labeled as healthy are usually heavily processed as well.
Point is that, to eat entirely healthy and naturally, we would need to spend 2 to 3 times more money on our food. Can most people afford it? I don't think so.
So, the food that most people think that is healthy isn't that much different from the junk food, that they despise so much.
Hell, sometimes junk food would probably turn out to be healthier than a lot of products that unaware people consume - e.g: Diet coke.
I actually laugh when I see those people promoting healthy living, taking selfies with a healthy salad in their left hand and a bottle of diet pepsi in right hand.
I used to base my diet on healthy food only for quite some time as well in the past, but recently I just had a change of heart.
I can eat both tasty and partially healthy with the very same outcome. What more do I need? What's the point in eating things you don't like then?
I follow a different path now and I feel so much better mentally
