Does anyone else have problems buying clothes after weight loss? I'm really aware that a lot of what I'm buying is probably more suited to someone heavier than I am now, and I kind of drown in a lot of my clothes.
I just don't know where to start.

It might cost you a few dollars, but have you thought of splashing out ona session with a stylist?
It's a great way to try out things that you might not normally consider for yourself.
I did think about that, but all of the ones that I've seen are linked to a clothing store and I feel like there would be a hard sell of their clothes, IYKWIM?
Have you got a sister LLL? Or your best friend? Schedule a shopping trip and then try on a bunch of clothes and ask for honest feedback.
That's a good idea, Jen. No pressure to buy then, either.
how about one of the online styling services? I've never tried one, just a suggestion.
They are SUPER expensive, Angela. One of the ones that I looked at was $100 for a T SHIRT! :o
They aren't very good either, IMO. One of the girls I worked with went to one, and uh...$100 burlap sack. Not cute.
I think I'd take a hard pass on that one lol
I don't like shopping online any way...nothing ever fits properly and I end up sending it all back. :(