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Losing weight for the first time
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Sep 21, 2017 22:16:29   #

So I was just wondering how should I do it for the first time? I'm only slightly overweight. I need to lose like 10 pounds.

I know there is a lot of great threads dedicated to losing weight here, but as I need only 10 pounds I don't know if I should try that hard in order to achieve that or are there any easier methods that could help me? I'm working out for a month already and I read so much about cardio or HITT here and I don't what should I add to just lose 10 pounds. I know that I need to eat less than I should according to TDEE calculators and I have already made such a diet for me.

I can eat both healthy and tasty as I have enough money and time to cook, so products won't be the issue, but I'm just wondering what approach should I really take here? Will adding cardio for 30 minutes 3 times a week will be enough?

I would like to achieve that in next 3 months because I have a weeding coming soon! Can anyone help me?
Sep 22, 2017 07:38:47   #
Well, you have already figured out the most by yourself, right? What do you need? Do you just want to know if adding cardio for 30min three times a week will be enough? Well, if you read our topics, you should know that we don't recommend adding cardio right out of the bat, right?

You should start slowly. Just cutting your calories should be enough to lose 10 pounds and if you are that impatient, you can add some cardio to fasten the process after a few weeks.

Still just diet and training should be more than enough to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. You can easily do it in even two months without really sacrificing your life :)
Sep 22, 2017 07:53:24   #
So, basically you are asking us if you should do cardio at the start or not? Fit_Bet already gave you great answer - you really shouldn't, but you can if you are not at calories deficit. Let me tell you how it works - you add cardio/HITT or any kind of other physical activity as an another form of cutting calories. So if you have already cut calories, there is no point in adding cardio.

Do it like this: Start with -10% of what you should eat daily, then after two weeks add cardio twice a week, then after a week three times a week and then cut -10% again.

Just doing this alone should give you -10 pounds fast and easy without trying too hard.
Sep 22, 2017 07:59:19   #
You had great answers here already, I'll just also add that it's possible to lose weight without cardio and HITT at all.

Especially as you are an beginner this process should be quite easy. Starting to work out is very often enough to lose weight alone and when you add a decent, healthy diet with slight calories deficit you can easily lose 10 pounds by cutting your calories a little bit - you won't even notice it to be honest if you have correctly calculated your total daily energy expenditure.
Sep 22, 2017 08:22:42   #
Thanks for your help!! Yes, I just wanted to know if I really need to add cardio or HITT. I'm very glad that I can do it without those, because frankly starting to work out was already quite tiresome for me :P

So I don't know if I could add another exhausting physical activity now :) I hope I can manage my diet and I will report back here if I succeeded.

I really need to fit into this dress for a weeding - after all it was a birthday's gift from my boyfriend :P

Thank you!
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